Buzzball: No Holes. Big Goals. The Birth Of A Brand Spankin' New Field Sport
By: David Edelman

It was a perfect day. Should every Sunday have been as sunny as this one, this game would have been conceived a long time ago. The day prior was the long awaited rummage sale, an event we had been planning for the past month. The sale proved to be a success surpassing prior years and all our team’s expectations. The rain clouds decided to show a little mercy, we were able to get rid of a little over half of the excess items that had been donated to the camp and over $500 was banked for Easter Seals. After working a strenuous 6-day workweek, it was time for a little recreation and leisure time. I think that is what we found in a game like Buzzball, high times, high spirits and a little friendly competition. A gentleman’s game that one could enjoy, especially on a day like today.
After sleeping away most of the morning and a hardy breakfast under my belt, I found myself hitting balls with Nate and a pair of old clubs encased in a decadent, vintage golf bag that were over looked during yesterdays yard sale. One thing led to another and suddenly we found ourselves in the middle of the field, sandbox to the left of us, lake to the right, taking turns wacking a wiffle ball back and forth. Terminology developed, hits became dishmacks, sidewalks became goals and then it was clear, we had invented a golf like game that anyone could enjoy. A game that could be played on any field, large or small, all that is needed is a buzzball (typically an oversized wiffleball) two clubs of your choosing (irons and woods are both acceptable) and at least one high-spirited friend to volunteer their skills in a friendly game of competition.
Buzzball takes its name from the sound the wiffle makes when hit strong and soundly with the club. If you hear the buzz, you are close to a score. Shortly after the games invention, to our surprise, Water 7, which was traveling back to Denver, happened to pay us an unexpected visit. These lucky souls had the opportunity to witness the first inaugural buzzball game. The teams, Red Hatters: Nate Kabat (who had just preformed the daunting task of winning a game in two dismacks) and Rob Bob Wiley vs. Blue Hatters: myself, David Edelman and Matt “Radioshack” Harvie. It was a glorious match, which ended in a 2-1 victory for the Blue Hats. So, to all you readers out there, I hope you will join in on the fun. Buzzball is a game for the people. A game that celebrates all that is right and good. The grand dishmack is yours. Hi yo!
How to play Buzzball:
Buzzball is played on a field between two teams of either 1 or 2 players per team. Goals must be determined before the beginning of play. Often pre-existing obstacles, such as sidewalk lengths are used as goals. If conditions don’t exist, any sort of length markers (soccer goals, frisbees, nalgenes, etc.) could be used to establish goal territories. A wiffleball is placed in the middle of the field. First hit is decided with the toss. One player throws their club in the air and is caught by a player of the opposing team. Then typical little league hand over hand motion ensues until one player grabs the head of the club determining who will chose between field direction or first hit. The first hit of the game is referred to as the Grand Dishmack. Before the Grand Dishmack the player must yell Hi Yo. This announces the beginning of the game. Teams take turns, one at a time, hitting the ball toward their respective goals. If a player hits the wiffle into their opponents’ goal, they score. Best of 3 scores wins a buzzball game.
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