Nate was the lucky recipient of a Choco Taco surprise on our road trip to Minneapolis. Ever since, my teammates have been requesting a Choco Taco of their own. So last week I began my search, hitting gas stations all over the Twin Cities, in hopes of locating a Choco Taco to gas station ratio of at least 2.5 to 1. My first station was a failure. I was forced to purchase a consolation box of bomb pops. The first one I ate was covered in dry ice and nearly tore all the skin from my lip. I wasn’t too distressed. Chaco Tacos are never too far away.
That same week, before seeing Batman Begins we made a pit stop into a gas station to see if my hunch was well founded. I wasn’t disappointed. I was right, this place housed C-Tacos. “I would like to purchase these 10 Choco Tacos,” I told the lady at the cash register in a firm, annunciated voice. Well, that’s not it. Oh no. Just as soon as we get home all excited to treat out friends to the tacos, does Katie Love tap me on the shoulder with a look in eye as if she can’t wait to tell me something big. She didn’t even need to say it. I knew what she had done and I wasn’t the slightest bit surprised. She had bought C-Tacos of her own. When the craving hits, it is likely to permeate the team, causing similar responses. No biggy. The more tacos the merrier. They didn’t last long.
Our next Choco Taco excursion was just a few days ago. After coming home from the station, Jeffrey P caught a glimpse of a goldmine, a pile of garbage, littered with wantables like old wooden paneled TVs and cell phone chargers. Considering our primary, well our only TV set was an old wooden one, we thought the 2 sitting in/next to the street would make good additions. I have previous experience with sidewalk TVs. I’ve taken 3 home and I’ve had 3 of them work. I was counting on the same. We also grabbed a decadent painting of 3 horses gallivanting around a pasture. After plundering, I was talked into driving around the block a couple times in hopes of finding similar discarded treasures. After our first pass I realized how ridiculous this was. I felt like the kid who finds a $100 bill on the ground and spends the rest of his life looking for another. Ain’t gonna happen mister, mister. We went home. In the end 1 of the 2 TV sets worked and we agreed the painting belonged over the sofa (it really ties the room over). In celebration we cracked open the Choco Tacos and took it all in.

Your blog is unbelievable. I'm looking forward to checking it daily for more of your writing. Love you, miss you and am proud of you!
Hi Dave:
I want a Choco Taco! Do they come in other flavors? Can I eat them on my diet?
Love the Blog. Haven't finished it all yet.
Gelatoland here I come.
The incredible shrinking Daz
PS I'm down 17
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